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Information about you

  • General information

    Sign up, to have your profile on Global Dating Service. Only users over 18 can sign up.
    After signing up, your page will have a unique address which can't be chaged.

    As you sign up mind that any rudeness or indecency is forbidden on our website. Don't use as user names words which can insult other users or violate the Terms of Global Dating Service. Otherwise, your profile will be deleted.

  • Registration information (e-mail, password, mobile phone number)

    When you registered on the site, you entered your e-mail address, selected a password and confirmed your mobile phone number. Your personal information is stored on your profile in «Settings». You can edit your personal information at any time. Please remember to click «save» after editing your information.

  • Personal information (name, age, location)

    When you registered on the site, you entered your name, date of birth and location. This information is stored in «Personal information» in the «Settings» section.

    You can't change your date of birth. Be careful when you enter it!

    You can change your name and location at any time. Please remember to click «save» after editing your information.

    Please note that if you change your location, your profile will be excluded from search results for 5-15 minutes.

  • About Me

    Please fill in your «Profile» and tell us who you are looking for, so that other users on the site can get to know you. Make sure you say specifically who you would like to meet.
    If you leave the «What I am looking for» section of your profile blank, your profile will be excluded from search results. You can also opt to exclude or include your profile from search results by accessing the «Privacy» tab in the «Settings» section.

    Remember, the more information you include in your profile, the more people will view your profile!

  • Interests (I like)

    You can write about what you're interested in, and add up to 30 interests.

    To add interests, go to «Profile» and click «Add interests». A menu will appear with a list of categories to choose from, and a list of interests for each category. You can add interests to your list by clicking on them. When you're finished, click «Ready» and the menu will disappear.

    You can update your list of interests whenever you like.

    Please note that if you have shared interests with another user, these shared interests will be highlighted in that user's profile. You can easily use this information to start up a conversation!

    You can delete interests from your list by hovering over an interest, and then clicking «Delete».

  • Profile view counter

    A profile view counter is used to see how many times your profile has been viewed. The numbers in the view counter show how many users have viewed your profile today, and over the previous month respectively.

    To get more profile views, use the «Boost my profile» service. Please note that if you boost your profile, and then do not use this service again for a long time, your number of profile views will drop again.

  • Reply Rate

    The reply rate shows the ratio of received messages to replies sent. If the Reply rate is low, it means that the user rarely replies, and if it's high, the user is far more likely to reply.

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