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Privacy and security

  • Common security problems

    If you sign in to the website from a computer that is used by more than one person, please ensure that you sign out out of your account when you are finished using the website. Otherwise, other people will be able to edit your profile, read your messages and even send messages from your account.

    If you receive a message from someone you don't know, with advertisements for services or a strange request (for example: to pay a telephone bill, or forward the message to all your contacts), then this message is most likely a scam, or a meaningless «chain letter». Please do not reply to such messages. Be vigilant, and notify our Support Team if this happens.

  • Important security advice

    If a message has been sent from your account without your knowledge, it may mean that another person has gained access to your account. To prevent this from happening, please click «Sign out» every time you are finished using the website, and do not click «Remember me» when you sign in on someone else's computer.

  • We want our website to be as secure and user-friendly as possible

    Our main priority is your online security, and we pay particular attention to your privacy:

    1. We only use the information you provide us with for our social dating service, and we will never share your information with any third parties.
    2. No one will be able to find out the web address of your profile without your permission, as this address is not publicly accessible.
    3. All of your correspondence with other users is stored on our protected servers, so you can read your messages from any computer connected to the internet.
    4. All of your messages are strictly confidential: no one except you can access your messages.

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